Secret Manoeuvres, Shell and Kiobel

This week saw a landmark hearing before the Supreme Court in Washington DC. Widow Esther Kiobel accuses the oil giant’s parent company, Royal Dutch Shell, of complicity in the murder and torture of Ken Saro-Wiwa and eight other Nigerian activists. They were executed by the Nigerian military government after protesting Shell’s exploration and development in the Niger Delta in 1995.

Essentially a case of relatives seeking to hold an oil company accountable for its deeds, it now centers on the question whether survivors of human rights violations in foreign countries can bring lawsuits against corporations in U.S. courts under a 1789 U.S. law called the Alien Tort Statute. See Twitter on #Kiobel for different takes on this hearing.

Shell has a long history of undermining protest. The company applies an interesting mix of PR strategies, denials and greenwash exercises on the one hand and the dirty tricks and undercover operations on the other. For Shell,  or so it seems, cooperation with a military government and police Special Forces in an African country is just one step beyond involvement in private intelligence agencies and cybersurveillance in Europe and the US. It’s all part of the game. Continue reading “Secret Manoeuvres, Shell and Kiobel”

New Evidence Suggests Ken Saro-Wiwa Was Framed

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Andy Rowell and Eveline Lubbers, 6 December 2010

An edited version of this article appeared in the Independent on Sunday

Fifteen years after the execution of Nigerian playwright and activist Ken Saro-Wiwa, new compelling evidence has surfaced that suggests that the Nigerian military killed the four Ogoni elders that Saro-Wiwa was later accused of murdering.

The new evidence also reveals that the soldier’s commander, the notorious Lt Col Okuntimo, who was implicated in murder and rape, was being paid millions of Naira by Shell at the time and was being driven around in a Shell vehicle.

These new testimonies contradict what Shell has said for fifteen years. Since the time of Saro-Wiwa’s death, Shell consistently told the press and its share-holders that it had no financial relationship with the Nigerian military. Continue reading “New Evidence Suggests Ken Saro-Wiwa Was Framed”

NGOs and BBC targeted by Shell PR machine in wake of Saro-Wiwa death

Originally posted at

By Eveline Lubbers and Andy Rowell, published in the Guardian on 9 November 2010.

Secret internal company documents from the oil giant Shell show that in the immediate aftermath of the execution of the Nigerian activist and writer Ken Saro-Wiwa it adopted a PR strategy of cosying up to key BBC editors and singling out NGOs that it hoped to “sway”.

The documents offer a previously hidden insight into efforts by the company to deflect the PR storm that engulfed it after the Nigerian activist was hanged by the country’s military government. Shell faced accusations that it had colluded with the government over the activists’ deaths. Continue reading “NGOs and BBC targeted by Shell PR machine in wake of Saro-Wiwa death”

Dialogue at Shell: PR & intelligence

Originally posted at my blog , while working on the book.

Shell was one of the first companies to take a hit in the new-media war. The company was taken by surprise in 1995 when a Greenpeace campaign against sinking the redundant Brent Spar oil platform succeeded. Such a disaster would not be allowed to happen again. Shell International developed an online strategy, which included monitoring what was being said about the company in cyberspace.

For my book Battling Big Business I researched the on line detective agencies hired by Shell. Back then I also found out that the company’s impressive new website offered means of surveillance too. The forums were used to monitor Shell’s critics. For my present PhD research I was curious to know what had happened to the forums since. Continue reading “Dialogue at Shell: PR & intelligence”

Shell’s problems in Argentina and Malaysia.

Originally posted at my blog , while working on the book.

Last March, Radio Netherlands called me to comment Shell’s most recent PR problems. This also resulted in an article on their website: Oil giant goes on drilling despite bad press, by Pieternel Gruppen, 23 March 2005.

Despite massive attempts to change the way in which it is perceived, Anglo-Dutch oil giant Shell is facing familiar problems once again. Having pumped money and effort into trying to shake off a negative image, the company is again attracting bad press. Following a rise in petrol prices, Shell is now the subject of a boycott in Argentina, and is meanwhile entangled in a border conflict between Asian neighbours Malaysia and Indonesia.

It was back in 1995 when Shell announced a major change in corporate policy, promising to focus greater attention on areas such as the environment and human rights. Socially-responsible entrepreneurship and transparency were the new watchwords. One of the factors behind the changes was the well-publicised controversy surrounding the Brent Spar oil platform.

Change of heart
Shell planned to scrap the Brent Spar, and the cheapest option was to sink it in the ocean, rather than dismantle it on dry land. The company was completely taken by surprise by the storm of protest that blew up over the plan. Environmental organisation Greenpeace launched a major campaign, which ultimately resulted in a change of heart by the petrol giant. Eveline Lubbers, an investigative journalist who follows public relations strategies of large multinationals, believes the company learned a lot from that experience:

“They’ve now got very good risk-assessment departments. They were the first company to begin using scenarios in their planning, as in: if we do this, what will happen then? They also involve all kinds of people from outside the company to learn from them, too.”

Stoking up conflict
These procedures, however, do not necessarily mean that Shell will choose the ‘popular’ option. Eveline Lubbers cites Shell’s oil-drilling activities in part of the Sulawesi Sea, and says the company made a conscious decision in that particular case. As she points out, it’s well aware of the slumbering dispute between Indonesia and Malaysia, which both lay claim to this stretch of sea and have made commitments to various oil companies.

“It’s not hard to work out that drilling for oil in that region is going to stoke up the political conflict. So, as a company, you have to weigh things up: what’s more important to us? The prospect of being back in the focus of publicity again, or getting down to drilling? They opted for the latter.”

In Argentina, too, Shell appears to have given the profit-goal priority over its reputation. However, Eveline Lubbers thinks the company didn’t expect such a strong public protest – in the form of a boycott.

Get drilling
She believes the company is now concentrating on something else rather than its image, and has an explanation as to why:

“Of course, they’ve incurred an enormous amount of criticism in connection with the incorrect estimates of the company’s reserves. That caused them a lot of damage, both economically and internally. I think those reserves are now the priority. They just have to get drilling again, to get the reserves up to the right level.”

As for the image problems in Argentina and South-East Asia, Ms Lubbers thinks it’s unlikely that the negative publicity will cause Shell much long-term harm. Looking back on previous events, it appears that the only real damage to the company has been caused – as in the case of the Brent Spar – by protests which had a good campaign and strong organisations behind them.

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The Voice of Business, Hill & Knowlton and Postwar Public Relations

Originally posted at my blog , while working on the book.

The Voice of Business makes good reading, it’s a well written history of the first and one of the most important PR consultancy firms in the United States. Originally a dissertation (in Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Georgia, if I understood the acknowledments correctly) it is a well of sources and insights, leaning on scrutinous research. The book could be read as a biography of John W. Hill, the founder of the company, as well, the influence of his thinking, his ideology – and what happened when his successors decided to make, or were forced to make strategic choices away from the company’s ideology.

Much has already been written about Hill & Knowlton’s involvement in the tobacco controversies in the fifties, their work for Philip Morris and their involvement in the foundation of the Council for Tobacco Research. See for instance Source Watch.

However, I collected some inspirational details for you below. The other case study that I found very fascinating was H&K involvement in the steel strikes in the Depression years in the United States. Right from the start, H&K was involved in antiunionism, strike breaking, and associated with front organisations and armed private police. Continue reading “The Voice of Business, Hill & Knowlton and Postwar Public Relations”

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